Starting in Reception
We aim to make you and your child feel part of our school family.
We have two classes in Reception and our teachers are supported by a teaching assistant in each class.
Your child’s first year in school is an extension of their pre school experience so there is an emphasis on learning through fun and play.
Before your child starts school they will have the opportunity to meet their teacher and visit their classroom. We also offer a welcome evening for parents at the school, a personalised information pack and a home visit from your child’s teacher.
We keep parents well informed through information evenings and regular email communications and our teachers are always available to discuss any concerns you may have.
Our classrooms are specially designed for our youngest children with toilets just for them and larger than average rooms, allowing for many activities to take place. They also have their own partly covered outside area to continue their learning.
“There is a careful balance of experiences, children’s independent learning is encouraged and reading, writing and calculating skills are developed through well planned activities”
“As a result of outstanding teaching they make rapid progress.” (Ofsted 2013)
Initially children in Reception classes do not go out into the playground at playtimes or into assembly with the rest of the school. When children are ready they join the other children at playtimes. At lunch time play our youngest children have buddies from year 3 for some of the time.