WEEKS COMMENCING 6/4/2020 AND 13/4/2020
Dear Year 1 Stay at Home Superheroes,
We hope you are all keeping well.
We know today would have been the start of the Easter holidays but life is a little different at the moment so there is a new folder for the next two weeks containing some ideas you might like you try. Please do not feel that you have to complete the activities but they are there if you would like to try some.
We will also be setting some tasks on 'Purple Mash' that you can complete in your own time once you receive your logins (which will be sent to you soon). We have put six activities on there under the '2Do' tab. Good luck with them.
Is anyone up for a Stay at Home Superhero challenge?
Use anything you like (or are allowed to use!) to build the tallest tower that can stand on its own – not touching or leaning on anything. Can you measure it so we can find out who can build the tallest tower?
Love from
Mrs Cruickshank, Mrs Read, Miss Turner, Mrs Cole and all of the teaching assistants that work with you.