On this page you will find some reading comprehensions, which you may like to use alongside your children's own reading books, during this time of Home Learning.
You will also find a help sheet for parents giving suggestions of the types of questions you might ask when reading with your child covering a variety of reading skills, which we hope you might find helpful.
Some of the extracts are trickier than others, especially if they come from more 'classic' texts due to the vocabulary being more unfamiliar etc. Therefore, you may want to have a look at these beforehand and decide whether they are appropriate for your child, before attempting them. You also you may find that they need a little more support with these.
We have also added some reading comprehensions from the Twinkl website, which cover a variety of topics, for you to use if you wish. These give the option of one star, two star or three star levels. You will find these at the bottom of the Year 4 Home Learning homepage.