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This week we would like you to create a descriptive piece of writing about a Dinosaur, Choose your favourite facts and WOW us with interesting descriptive language, plus a drawing of your favourite Dino.

Session 1 – Read through the fact file slides, watch the clips above and take a few notes (in your Home Working book) as you watch – just bullet points!

Session 2/3 – Have a look at the Velociraptor example.  Choose a Dinosaur (from the slides, from the clips or from your own research) and collect some information about your animal. Fill out your plan and describe your Dinosaur’s Movements and Sound – How does it move? What noise does it make? Appearance – (size, height, length, colour, hair, skin, scales, fur, particular parts of the body), Characteristics and Habits – (What was it known for, where did it live, which time period?)

Session 4/5 – Create your Description – use the basic layout from the slides or you could create a poster with fact boxes or any other way that you would like to present the information you have found.  Remember, neat writing, check punctuation and spelling and try to include some interesting or funny facts about your Dinosaur. Don’t forget to include a drawing of your Dinosaur.