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Sports Reports 2023/24




This week, we have had the most amazing time at the DSSP Tennis Tournament. There were 8 teams taking part, 3 of which were from St Paul's. WE also had the pleasure of having 15 year 5 Sports Leaders coming to umpire thematches. The children played fantastically and the umpires showed great focus when the matches were taking place.

It was a very successful afternoon, wit St Paul's coming 8,5 and 4th overall.

Well done!


St Paul's Panthers Come To School

On Thursday Reception and Year 1 were very lucky to have the Dorking Panthers visit us. The coaches were great fun and had lots of energy! The children played lots of exciting games that helped them practise agility, ball control and aiming. They had a chance to play bib tag, score some goals and even try to steal some footballs from a dinosaur! They all walked away with big smiles on their faces. Thank you, Dorking Panthers!



Last week a group of Year 4 children played in a golf tournament at Betchworth golf club against other schools in the Dorking area. The children practised the skills that they had learnt during our golf sessions with Joe. All the children were able to show off their brilliant putting and chipping skills in a circuit of games. It was a wonderful morning and the children had a brilliant time. Overall, they came away as medal winners scoring an impressive 3rd place. However, they were also fantastic ambassadors for St Paul's school gaining top marks in the tournament values showing great determination, self-belief and team work. Well done Year 4!




Today was the day we took our year 5 rugby team to the Dorking Schools Rugby Tournament at Brockham Big Field to play against the other schools in Dorking. We were the only team only taking year 5s (The year 6 children were on a school trip!!) The children played exceptionally well and showed incredible grit and determination even though the tournament was very tough. Each game, they gave it their all and dug deep, managing to gain a few tries. I could not be more proud of their amazing values they showed. Well done St Paul's.


Red Nose Day Festival

Happy Red Nose Day. To celebrate the day, along with jokes galore, the Sports Crew put on a lunch time festival full of fun and action. All the children from KS1 and KS2 enjoyed team games, personal challenges and relay races. What a fun way to raise awareness of the amazing charity. 

Thanks Sports Crew!!! 

Surrey Youth Games Ambassadors

This week, we have had 3 ambassadors for Surrey Youth Games (Demi Leigh, Freya and Eva) leading the assembly to advertise the Surrey Youth Games to all of KS2. They did an amazing job and articulated the subject with passion and confidence.

We look forward to hearing about all the children signing up for this year's games. Good luck everyone!!!


After two terms of training, it was finally time to compete in the year 6 and year 5 netball tournaments, held on consecutive nights. 

First up was the year 6 team. After a raining day, the skies lifted and the air was full of excitement. The girls played incredibly well gaining a total of 28 goals with only 2 conceded. What a team and what a win!! The first time St Paul's have won the year 6 tournament since 2012! What an achievement!!!


It was a tough act to follow but the year 5 team were up for the challenge. The first match was very tough against St Martins but they soon got into their stride and played a fantastic game. Although losing, they continued to build strength in each game , eventually coming away in 3rd position. 

A fantastic effort year 5!! 


It's a Fish Out - Lifesaving competition

What an evening!

On Saturday March the 9th, 8 children took part in the annual 'It's a Fish' life saving competition. There were 24 teams competing in 8 different events including quick fire questions, under water baton relay and rope saving. The two teams did amazingly well coming 6th and 15th overall and even more impressive they came 1st and 2nd overall on the quick fire life saving questions. 

Well done team. You did so well!

A magical day of sport for World Book Day 2024

For World Book Day this year, we were treated to a magical day of sport. First, all of KS2 were sorted into Hogwarts houses using the sorting hat. The hat looked at the attributes of each team captain to decide on their house. Once the houses were selected, each class went outside to learn how to play Quidditch. Over the course of the day, points mounted up for each team and the final scores were revealed at the end of the day. Well done to Ravenclaw who won overall.



Surrey Schools Cross Country Competition

During half term, some children competed in the Surrey School's Cross Country at Priory Park in Reigate. Children competed in Year 5 and Year 6. The atmosphere was quite tense as there were so many competitors for each race (over 80) and the length of race ranged from 1.6km to 2km. It was very muddy underfoot but the sun eventually started to shine on the runners as they were ready to go.

First up was the Year 5 girls, Elizabeth, Elenor and Florence had a flying start and showed great relilience and determination, finishing in the top half of the competitors. Next up were the year 5 boys, Hector and Sam. Again they ran strongly against a very tough set of competitors and finished in the middle of the pack. Next was the year 6 girls. Isla had a very strong start and was in the leading pack for the duration of the race, finishing 2nd overall. This means that Isla is now going to represent Surrey in a reginal competition. Huge congratulations Isla.

The last race of the day saw Benji and Jamie run a superb race, finishing in the top 3rd of the pack.

Well done everyone! I am very proud of you all.



Year 4 visit The Priory to watch amazing gymnastics!


This week Year Four  were invited to a fantastic gym and dance show at Priory School.  The theme was 'Be proud of who you are!'  The show reflected individual uniqueness as well as diversity within Priory and the wider community.  

Valentine said, "I think they moved swiftly, the footwork was incredible and they danced in time with the music." 

Amelie noticed courage and cartwheels and  trust and teamwork! 

Aki commented, "They put lots of effort into the back bends and the floor-work routines!" Sophia said, "I saw forward rolls backflips handsprings and cartwheels. It was amazing!"


Sports Hall Year 5/6 

What an amazing competition. We had 21 children from year 5 and 6 who were selected to compete against 7 other Dorking schools at The Ashcombe. The crowds were electric and thee exitment was at fever pitch. There are 8 fielding events (including long jump, speed bounce, chest push) and 8 track events (including obstacle races, 4x1 relays). The team did an amazing job and showed all the St Paul's values of compassion, respect and determination. 

Overall, we came a very repecful 4th place.

Well done everyone!


Chelsea see Potential

A groups of year 5 children have been asked to go to Chelsea to try out for their intermediate girls team. They had an amazing session and the girls have now been selected to be part of the Chelsea intermediate team. Congratulations!!

Year 3/4 and 5/6 Gymnastics Competition

After a term of before and after school clubs, the day had finally arrived. It was competition day!! 20 children from Year 3,4,5 and 6 were ready to compete against 7 other schools in the DSSP gymnastics competition. The competition consisted of 3 elements, floor, body control and vault. For each routine, the children had to memorise their moved and they were marked on the skills and precision of their routine. It was an amazing morning where all the children showed perseverance, determination and compassion. Overall, the year 3/4 team came 2nd and the Year 5/6 team came 3rd with Anya clinching overall 3rd individual.

Amazing work everyone!!



Intra School Cross Country Competition

St Paul's cross country club held a competition within St Paul's to build on the skills they have been developing since the start of term. There were 23 participants striving to achieve their best and all children showed great enthusiasm and willingness to participate. Well done!

Year 6 Boys Football

It was amazing to see such first class play today at the Year 6 boys football tournament at St Martin's School. Every boy in the tournament was playing to a very high standard.

St Paul's boys showed all the sporting values and dug deep, even when the games were tough. They showed sportsmanship and respect to other teams and showed compassion and determination during each game. 

The competition points were very close, with 3 schools tying on 10 points at 2nd place. This meant that the final positions were decided on goal difference = goals scored and then taking away goals conceded.

After a tough afternoon, the St Paul's boys team came away in 3rd position. Incredible. Well done!

KS1 Athletics festival

10 year 2s had an amazing opportunity to take part in an athletics festival at The Priory School. It was the first time that our years 2s had represented the school in a sports event, and they were fantastic. Although a little nervous to start with, the children showed great determination and a fantastic positive attitude. You all did fantastically. Well done!

Chelsea Girls Football

This half-term we have been very lucky to have been offered some girls' football coaching sessions from Chelsea Football Club.  This week was the turn of Year 4 girls who really enjoyed learning some dribbling techniques and working within a team.  The session started off bright and sunny and ended up with heavy rain, but the girls kept on playing showing great perseverance. We are really looking forward to the rest of the sessions this half-term. Thank you, Chelsea for giving our girls this opportunity.


Year 5 Boys Dorking Schools Football Tournament

It was a joy to be at the year 5 boy's football tournament today at St Martin's school. The boys all played really well in their teams and against their peers, with 7 teams taking part. We would like to say Thank-you to the staff and students from Dorking Wanderers for refereeing our  matches today, they are very experienced and were supportive during the tournament.

The results are as follows:

11 points Powell Corderoy were 3rd 

12 points St Paul's 2nd 

12 points North Downs 1st 

The difference between 1st and 2nd was not on goal difference as that was equal to, it was on who won their match.

What an amazing achievement boys. Well done!

World Ballet Day - 1st November 

The school had a fantastic time taking part in ballet workshops in celebration of World Ballet Day. Mrs Cox led the children through a number of exercises helping them with posture, balance and mobility. They also explored the ballet 'Alice in Wonderland' discussing four of the main characters. The children loved learning dance motifs from Alice, the White Rabbit, Mad Hatter and Queen of Hearts all while listening and dancing to the powerful musical score by Joby Talbot (known for many film compositions). It was particularly great to hear how ballet and dance can be relevant and helpful to other disciplines, helping with sports, music, design, drama and performance amongst many others. Some year 3 and 4 children said, 'I loved it- it will help with my balance for football', 'We had so much fun and I really liked the music', 'I liked learning about the characters in Alice in Wonderland'. 

Mrs Cox was particularly impressed with the creativity of the children and their willingness to explore movement and artistry.

A super experience for everyone involved! 

Thank you so much for sharing your talents with our school, Mrs Cox.

Dorking Wanderers / Mole Valley Sessions

We have been so lucky to have 4 one-hour sessions with Mole Valley Football for both Year 5 and Year 6. It was great to have the children learn from professional footballers, learning dribbling skills, control and shooting. Luis from year 5 said 'It was amazing to be coached by professional footballers. I felt very excited and enjoyed every minute!'

We are looking forward to our next sessions in the new year for Year 3 and 4.

Surrey Cricket

This half term, Year 4 and Year 6 have been very lucky to have received weekly coaching from Surrey Cricket. It has been a fantastic opportunity for the children to develop their cricketing skills through a series of mini games and fun activities. Coach John has been a real hit with the children, showing them how to throw, bowl, bat and field and the children have had lots of chances to put these into practice. It has been lovely to see the children develop week on week working individually, in pairs and in groups and allowing them to develop team skills too. Watch out for our next cricketing superstars from St Paul's!

Cross Country Meet 1

On the 25th September, children from years 3-6 went to The Weald School to compete in the Dorking Schools Cross Country Competition. Children were so excited to be parts of a big team to gain points for the school and also put their hard work into practise. We had a great turn out and had some very strong runs. In the year 3/4 girls race, there were 48 competitors, with Maddie, Emi and Holly all placing in the top 10. In the year 3/4 boys race there were 81 competitors, with JoJo and Oscar placing in the top 10. In the year 5/6 girls race there were 46 competitors, with Isla, Maise, Elizabeth and Demi-Leigh placing in the top 10. In the year 5/6 boys caret there were 62 competitors. 

A huge well done to the team as over all so far, Year 3/4 girls are coming 2nd, the year 3/4 boys are coming 2nd, the year 5/6 girls are coming 1st and the year 5/6 boys are coming 8th. As a school we are placed 4th overall.

Sports Crew Training

On October 3rd, a group of Year 5 and Year 6 children were selected to attend the Sports Crew training at the Priory School in Dorking. This involved the children taking part in team games and skills with the aim to learn how to assist with KS1 and KS2 active games through lunchtime activities and other festivals. They learnt the importance of the 6 Key Values  - Teamwork, Self-Belief, Honesty, Passion, Respect and Determination.