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Week 3 and 4 Activities (Easter break)

On this page, you will find some activities which you might like to complete over the next couple of weeks.

As it is Easter holidays, we have tried not to give you TOO much work to do, but we want to make sure you keep up with your learning and we also know some Mums and Dads are still busy working and they would like some things for you to do. 

There is some Maths, SPAG and Reading on this page and there are also some ideas for Easter-themed activities or Arts and crafts things that you might like to try out (or you can come up with your own), as well as an optional 'Topic project' all about Roman Numerals. 

If you are able to access Purple Mash - why not create a Roman Mosaic and then add this to your class Learning Wall (Look for the green sharing Icon - shaped like a planet- on the Home screen).

Go to Tools - Paint Projects - Mosaic to create your masterpiece. Then save it in My Work. When you have saved, find the work in My Work, click on 2Displayboard (from the icons along the top), select your class display board and then it will share it for the rest of the class to see! 

Reading - the text 'Clean Sweep' and the comprehension tasks for this can be found on Purple Mash. They have been set as a '2Do' for you to complete, along with a few other fun activities.  You can either complete them on Purple Mash using a computer OR your adult can print the PDFs from the bottom of this page and you can read the chapters and then do the tasks on the sheet.  

Things you should try to do a little bit of everyday: 

Spellings on (Even if its 10 minutes!)

Times-tables practice, games, tests or activities where you use your tables to solve problems. You could also help out with cooking and use your skills there! (and there's a bit of measuring!)

Read, read, read - This is really important. You can read on your own for a bit, read to your siblings, read to your favourite cuddly toy!

If you can occasionally read to an adult or older sibling, that would be great! You can get them to ask you a few questions or just have a chat about what you've read or you could take it in turns to read a bit each. You could even write a book review when you've finished a book! 

A fun physical activity where you get to be active and do some exercise (or where you get to spend some time outside in the fresh air - if you can) 

Take a look at our NEW Year 4 Easter Blog on Purple Mash! We will post some fun Easter activities every now and then, which you might like to try over the next two weeks. You can also comment on these to tell us if you've had a go! You can also post your own ideas and videos on here to share any Easter activities you have done - whether it's arts and crafts, games, cooking or baking! 

Just log in to your Purple Mash account, find the shared blog (Green sharing icon at the top of the Home screen) and click to make a new post! You will just have to wait for one of us to approve your post or comment before everyone can see it! 

Have a lovely Easter! - The Year 4 team.