Half Term week
As this week is Half Term, it has been decided that everyone is deserving of a well earned break from all of their hard work and so there will be no Home Learning set for this week. You can always keep up with your reading and perhaps do a little mental maths or some tables tables if you feel like it!
If you wish to have a go at the RE Arts and poetry challenge mentioned in this week's letter from the Year 4 team, you can find the documents for this attached below to download. If you do decide to have a go, we would love to see it! You can send us photos in an email to the School Office or you can pop these on a post on Purple Mash - on the Year 4 blog page! That way everyone will be able to see all of your hard work (when the post has been approved).
We would love to hear all about your Half Term - whether you are doing some cooking, helping out in the garden, playing sports or games with your family, doing some arts and crafts or anything else you might get up to. Hearing from you all really puts a smile on our faces! We miss you all.
Have a lovely week!
Miss Masters, Mr Hill and Mrs Hilston.