Week 1
Hi Year 4,
We hope you have all managed to have a fun yet relaxing and restful Half Term break and are ready to start up with some of the Home Learning again.
Here you will find all the resources you will need for the first week of Summer Term 2.
You will also find that some additional resources have been added to the Spelling folder on the Year 4 Home Learning main page. You may find these useful but they are not a requirement.
There will continue to be work uploaded here on the website, on the Weekly pages, as well as work set as 2Dos on Purple Mash. Please read the Weekly Overviews for more details.
You will find a zipped folder with the Reading resources for the week. There is also a SPaG folder with some tasks in. However, there are spelling and grammar tasks already set within the PPT for English for this week and you may find that this is more than enough. These additonal SPaG sheets are optional. They relate to the Reading text for this week (Mary Anning and the Time Twister) and can be used alongside this.
Have a lovely week!