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Vision and Values

Our vision and values

Inspiring Learning, Nurturing Wholeness

Our school vision is to ensure that we consistently provide an environment which inspires learning and nurtures wholeness. In all we do and say, we support one another to be successful in applying the school values outlined below. 

Our Vision Statement

Inspiring Learning, Nurturing Wholeness

St Paul whole-heartedly served others (Acts 11:26), he was brave and did not give up even when things were difficult (Acts 20:22-24).  Inspired by him, we work together with courage and perseverance to nurture everyone in our school community, valuing each person’s uniqueness, and seeking to enable them to learn, grow and flourish.

We will…

treat each other as we would like to be treated  /  forgive each other when things go wrong  /  always be honest and treat each other fairly  /  listen to one another  /  be kind, hard working and do our best  /  look after everyone and everything in our school.

Our school values

PERSEVERANCE : "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

Because we believe that God helps us to grow, especially through challenges, we value perseverance. We have a vision for everyone at St Paul’s being lifelong learners; trying their best, enduring in tough times, being open to new experiences. In order to flourish, we aim to support every child with the diverse challenges of everyday life.

HOPE :  "May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you." Psalm 33:22

We believe that God never gives up on us, his forgiveness is a gift and He gives us hope for the future. This means that at St Paul’s obstacles and wrongdoing do not have the last word, and good things can come from any bad situation. We seek to be a community of hope and aspiration that inspires and motivates every child to live their life to the full.

RESPECT : "Show respect for all people." 1 Peter 2.17

Because we believe that God created all people with equal worth and the highest value, we respect everyone equally. This means that it is important that we are polite, kind, and appreciate each other. We encourage everyone to have respect for themselves, show dignity to all others, and care for our environment.

WISDOM : "Respect for the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Proverbs 9:10

We believe that educating children to be wise is more important than teaching them to be clever. Wise people are discerning, they understand right from wrong and with integrity make God-honouring choices.

We pursue wisdom through nurturing a deep understanding of self, family, community, the world and God.

TRUST : "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you." Psalm 56:3

The Christian message is that God can be trusted - we can put our faith in him and confidently rely on him to have our best interests at heart. Trust must be at the core of every healthy team and community: it means we can feel safe. At St Paul’s school we learn how to earn the trust of others, how to be trusting and secure in our relationships, and how to rebuild trust when it is broken.

COMPASSION : "All of you - be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate                 and humble." 1 Peter 3:8

Christians believe that compassion means ‘to suffer with’ and we learn compassion from Jesus, the suffering Saviour. Within our school we value compassion as it builds empathy, allowing us to connect with others sensitively and with understanding.  When we learn how to give and receive compassion, everyone is able to grow.

Vision and Values - Christian Distinctiveness

We had a very useful Parent Forum a few ago, where we explained our vision, values and Christian distinctiveness here at St Paul's.  Please have a read through a copy of the slides (which are attached below) and come and see Mrs Alden if you would like to discuss this further.